Jobs Services

You are searching for Jobs Services

10 services found.

FavorHouse of Northwest Florida, Inc.

This center helps people hurt by domestic violence. They give services to survivors and their children. Please call or visit their website to learn more.

Services include:

  • Assistance with orders for protection and court advocacy
  • Counseling and Support
  • Education and Outreach
  • Emergency Shelter
  • Support Groups
  • Teen Dating Violence Prevention
  • Weekly Economic Workshops

PACE Day Program - Pace Center for Girls, Inc.

This group offers a day program. The program is year-round. Teachers help middle and high school students with education. Counselors help with support, life skills training, and career preparation. They offer help at home, as well as at schools and within the local community. The services are tailored for each girl. This program is free. Please call or visit the website for locations and more information.

Transition Youth Program

Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Florida Department of Education provides Transition Youth. This program helps people who have disabilities get or keep a job after exiting high school. Please call or visit website for more information.


  • Job Exploration Counseling
  • Post-High School Educational Counseling
  • Self-advocacy and Peer Mentoring
  • Work Readiness Training
  • Work-based Learning Experience